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Date of Workshop: August 8, 2024
Distinguished Speaker: Dr. Yanhong Jin
Dr. Yanhong Jin was invited to Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India be an honored speaker to add to the discussion of the growing world population, economic growth, urbanization, technological advancement, globalization, and changing food preferences have led to transformative changes in the way our food is produced, processed, supplied, and consumed. These changes in agricultural production and food systems have resulted in impressive growth in agricultural production and productivity accompanied by an increased share of processed and energy dense foods in our diets having implications for food security, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. The world faces various forms of malnutrition with 828 million undernourished people, about 1.9 billion overweight and obese people, and a large population with micro-nutrient deficiencies. The effects of these changes in agri-food systems are heterogenous across nations-while many developing countries are facing hunger and starvation and emerging economies such as India are facing double/triple burden of malnutrition, developed countries are struggling with overnutrition. The challenge for agri-food systems is to provide nutritious and healthy diets to growing population in an environmentally sustainable manner. This workshop aims to delve into some of these questions, understand how agri-food systems influence health and nutrition, and what strategies can be developed to promote better health, nutrition, and environment.
Distinguished scholars shared perspectives from different parts of the world and also discuss how multiple goals of nutrition, health, equity, and environmental sustainability can be simultaneously achieved. The workshop provided an opportunity to faculty and students to learn from and interact with leading researchers in the field.