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The Food Systems Education and Administration Certificate Program (FSEACP) is designed to provide individuals with practical skills and experiences appropriate for employment in a wide range of careers involving the development, administration, and delivery of educational programs and services provided by both non-profit and for-profit organizations. Recognizing that interpersonal skills and business savvy are often as important as a solid technical and conceptual foundation in one’s discipline, the FSEACP is intended as a supplement to discipline-based majors, especially those related to the W. K. Kellogg/Mid-Atlantic Consortium Food Systems Model. Such curricula include, but are not limited to, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (015), Animal Science (067), Biotechnology (126), Environmental & Business Economics (373), Environmental Policy, Institutions, & Behavior (374), Environmental Sciences (375), Food Science (400), Nutritional Sciences (709), and Plant Sciences (776).
Upon completion of the certificate program, students should have developed strong communications skills; management skills; experience and skill in the preparation of proposals and reports; the ability to design, implement, and assess educational programs/activities, and related budgets; and the ability to contribute individually and as a member of a team. Since formal courses may not exist or offer the opportunity to refine fully each of these skills, an experience-based education component is an integral requisite for the certificate.
The FSEACP requires 21-22 credits of course work, including the experience-based education component. Courses specified for the certificate (see below) that are completed in the context of one’s major and/or the college’s degree requirements may be applied toward the certificate.
You may declare your “intent” to complete the certificate on a form available in the Office of Academic Programs, Martin Hall, where you also secure a form to document completion of the certificate in the semester during which you are taking the final courses needed for the program. Fill out the form and have it signed by Dr. Edmund M. Tavernier, the FSEACP coordinator, Cook Office Building, Room 113 (932-9155 x256), before returning it to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Food Systems/Policy (3 credits)
Overview of world food systems and the complex economic and social relationships that shape domestic and international food policy. Discussion of the similarities and differences between domestic and international issues of poverty, health, and nutrition. The role of government and non-governmental organizations in these issues. Select one:
11:373:323 Public Policy Toward the Food Industry (3)
11:373:331 Economics of Food Marketing Systems (3)
11:373:371 Food Health & Safety Policy (3)
11:373:218 Sustainable Food Policy for Developing Countries (3)
Communication (3 credits)
Fundamentals of clear writing, speaking, listening, public relations, and marketing of ideas and products. Ideally some aspects of organizational and interpersonal communication and psychology will be covered. In addition to your regular degree requirements which are 01:355:101 Expository Writing I OR 01:355:103 Exposition and Argument AND 01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines, select one of the following:
01:355:202 Technical Writing Essentials (3)
01:355:302 Scientific & Tech. Writing (3)
01:355:203 Business Writing Essentials (3)
01:355:303 Writing for Business & the Professions (3)
01:355:402 Advanced Writing Workshop (3)
04:192:220 Fundamentals of Speaking & Listening (3)
04:192:380 Public Speaking (3)
Management (3 credits)
Management of human and fiscal resources; organizational development; time management; understanding leadership and teamwork; basic business law; ethics. Select one of the following:
11:373:241 Introduction to Management (3)
11:373:341 Management: Human Systems Development (3)
Interpersonal/Intercultural Relations (3)
The United States as a diverse community; public policy and its impact on communities; understanding and relating to a multi-cultural audience; the civic community and corporate social responsibility. Since the focus here is directed toward interpersonal and intercultural relations, only selected courses from the college’s “Area IV. Multicultural & International Studies” list meet the intent of this requirement for the certificate. Examples of appropriate courses follow—select one:
01:512:___ An American history course emphasizing minority/gender issues (3)
01:830:___ A psychology course emphasizing minority/gender issues (3)
01:910:352 Groups at Risk in Contemporary Society (3)
01:920:306 Race Relations (3)
11:374:101 Intro to Human Ecology (3)
11:300:327 Applications of Psychology in Education (3)
Computer Applications (3-4 credits)
The ability to use computers to manage data, prepare budgets, create publications and presentation materials, and communicate through the Internet. Select one:
01:198:110 Introduction to Computers & Their Applications (3)
01:198:170 Computer Applications for Business (3)
11:373:210 Business Decision Computer
Tools I (4)
Accounting (3 credits)
The ability to develop and track business and program budgets; generally accepted accounting procedures, auditing, pro forma. Developing business plans.
33:010:272 Intro to Financial Accounting (3)
On the Job Experience (3 credits)
An internship or cooperative education experience (or equivalent course that meets the college’s experience-based education requirement) is required. This experience ideally should enable the student to learn about organizational structure, teamwork, work ethic, and leadership. It should provide some experience in program planning and budgeting, and expose the student to the technical areas in which s/he desires to work. For example:
11:199:200 Cooperative Education I (or equiv.) (3)
For further information, contact:
Program Director
Dr. Isaac Vellangany, PhD., MBA
Room 112, Cook Office Building Cook Campus
Phone: 848-932-9131
Fax: 732-932-8887