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About the Program
The major in Environmental and Business Economics is a program of study for students interested in careers in business and management. Students learn to think strategically about the business environment within which firms, government agencies and non-governmental organizations operate and devise appropriate responses to gain a strategic advantage within such an environment. The major provides:
- a foundation in the principles of economics
- a knowledge of practical economic & analytical problem-solving techniques including the use of computer tools and applications
- an ability to apply economic concepts to the analysis of public & private policy issues
- an understanding of the institutional factors that underlie & influence policy decisions.
- an understanding of fundamental management concepts
- the capacity to understand sound financial and accounting principles
On completion of the learning goals, graduates from this program will have attained the ability to:
- utilize and explain core economic, management, financial and accounting concepts
- apply economic theories and concepts to contemporary social issues, as well as the formulation of policy
- demonstrate quantitative reasoning skills
- recognize the role of ethical values in economic decisions
- demonstrate critical and effective communication skills
One of Our EBE Grads Speaks About His Environmental Career Choice
Options in Program
Majors in the Environmental and Business Economics program select one of four options.
The Business Economics option includes all of the same foundation courses required in traditional business school curricula plus the additional analytical tools provided in the program’s economic courses. It is this rich blend of courses such as Finance, Management, Marketing, Demand and Price Analysis, and Economics of Production that make graduates from this option so attractive to employers in business and industry as well as to those in government agencies and non-profit organizations. Indeed, many of the graduates from this option are among the ranking economists, analysts, financial advisers, managers, marketing specialists, consultants, and policy director in agencies and companies ranging from biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries to Wall Street to smaller organizations including small business and entrepreneurial ventures. The option familiarizes students both with analytical and decision-making techniques used in the business world, and with the public and private institutional framework within which businesses operate. It is also appropriate for students who are interested in graduate studies in business management or economics.
2. Environmental & Resource Economics
The Environmental and Resource Economics applies economics and analytical and decision-making techniques in assessing problems of the environment and natural resources. This option also considers the institutional framework within which public policy is developed. It is appropriate for those desiring employment with firms who must comply with environmental regulations or with governmental agencies concerned with environmental practices and policies and prepares students for graduate study in related areas.
The Food Industry Economics option emphasizes the application of economics in the areas of food policy, marketing and finance. This option is especially appropriate for students seeking employment in the food industry or in federal or state departments of agriculture and for students interested in graduate study in agricultural economics.
4. Food Science & Management Economics
The Food Science and Management Economics option co-listed under the Food Science and Environmental and Business Economics curriculums provides breadth across the two disciplines for students with a strong interest in the management aspects of food science, processes for food manufacture, and food product development. While similar in both majors, students registered in Environmental and Business Economics typically take elective courses in applied economics, economics, or business and students registered in Food Science take elective courses in the physical and food sciences. The option is appropriate for students interested in employment in the food industry, food distribution, and related fields. It also prepares students for graduate study in applied economics, economics, business administration, or, food science with two additional courses (see Food Science graduate program director for details).
5. Agricultural Business and Food Systems
The Food Systems Education and Administration Certificate Program (FSEACP) is designed to provide individuals with practical skills and experiences appropriate for employment in a wide range of careers involving the development, administration, and delivery of educational programs and services provided by both non-profit and for-profit organizations. Recognizing that interpersonal skills and business savvy are often as important as a solid technical and conceptual foundation in one’s discipline, the FSEACP is intended as a supplement to discipline-based majors, especially those related to the W. K. Kellogg/Mid-Atlantic Consortium Food Systems Model.
The successful completion of the program requires grades of “C” or better in all required courses in the major and no more than one “D” in the option area courses in the major. To be eligible for graduation requires a minimum grade point average of 2.0, where 4.0 is highest over all, in courses including the general education courses, unspecified elective courses, and courses in the major.
Program Director
Dr. Isaac Vellangany, PhD., MBA Cook Office Building , Room 112
Phone: 848-932-9131
Fax: 732-932-8887
Program Coordinator
Ms. Kinjal Barad
Cook Office Building, Room 122
Phone: 848-932-9148
Clearing Corporation Charitable Foundation Agribusiness Scholars Program
The Clearing Corporation Charitable Foundation Agribusiness Scholars Program “Provides students matriculating at the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Science with the applied knowledge, leadership qualities, analytical skills, and experiences required for successful careers in the domestic and global agribusiness sector.”