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Graduate Program Menu
Affiliated Programs
- 5-year B.S. + M.S. Food and Business Economics Program
- Undergraduate Program in Environmental and Business Economics
See Also
The Graduate Program in Food and Business Economics resides in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics (DAFRE) in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS). The objective of this graduate program is to develop the ability of students to apply economic theory and high levels of quantitative and analytical skills to significant problems facing society in the areas of: economics of biotech/pharmaceutical sectors, production and marketing of agricultural and food products, land/environmental policy and management, and international development. view here for our FBE – 5yr Graduate Program Brochure (4.5 MB PDF), or explore this site to learn more about the program.
The learning goals of this program follow from the overarching Mission of the Department of Agricultural Food and Resource Economics. In particular the mission states that the “focus will be on applied economic research to identify management and marketing techniques and policies” that address significant issues facing society. To achieve the goals inherent in the overarching mission, students will (i) develop an advanced understanding of microeconomic theory, (ii) demonstrate the ability to apply quantitative methods to economic theory and practice, (iii) develop an in-depth understanding of an area within economics, and (iv) utilize both oral and written communication skills to effectively communicate such understanding in a variety of formats. (Read our detailed Master’s Degree Learning Goals and Assessment document (144k PDF) Because of the program’s problem-solving focus, policy analysis is emphasized. Students are provided with a strong background in economic theory and quantitative methods of analysis and with the ability to use this knowledge in solving problems. With this training as applied economists, students are prepared for careers in either industry or government. With proper planning by the student, the program can also provide the necessary preparation for entry into Ph.D. programs in Agricultural Economics, Economics, or a related field.
The program offers a Master of Science degree. A 5-yr BS/MS program is also available. A dual master’s degree arrangement is available with the Graduate Program in Urban Planning and Policy Development. Students interested in this dual degree arrangement must also apply for graduate admission to the Urban Planning and Policy Development Program.
Program Advantages
- Small class size, world class research, practical solutions!
- Graduates are well-prepared for higher studies as well as for the real world.
- This program enables highly motivated students to become better qualified for the real world.
- Because of their high levels of quantitative and analytical skills, the longevity of our graduates in the private sector is higher than the graduates of some comparable fields.
These pages below provide key information about our program:
- Our Graduate Handbook (204k PDF) provides students with all the relevant information about expectations, procedures, and requirements to be met.
- Additional resources, including counseling services, are available at the Graduate School-New Brunswick (
- Also, we suggest reviewing the ‘Rutgers Code of Responsible Conduct and Professionalism in Graduate Education‘
If you have any questions after reading these pages, please send e-mail to: Program Director, Dr. Sanjib Bhuyan @
Contact Us
Program Director
Dr. Sanjib Bhuyan
Phone: 848-932-9123
Room 104, Cook Office Building, Cook Campus
Program Coordinator
Ms. Kinjal Barad
Phone: 848-932-9148
Room 122, Cook Office Building, Cook Campus
News & Announcements
Read the Dept’s Grad Handbook (204k PDF)
Research Ethics in Social Sciences (2 Articles) (4MB PDF)
For our International Students:
Rutgers Global- International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) has updated many of our policies and procedures over the past few months. Below are some links and resources students may find useful: